国金学术|我院李伟平助理教授在国际SSCI期刊《Telecommunications Policy》发表论文
李伟平,麻豆导航助理教授,公司金融方向硕士生导师。主要研究兴趣是公司金融、公司治理、公司社会责任、能源经济与创新。目前已在《European Journal of Finance》、《Finance Research Letters》、《Economic Systems》、《Economic Research-Ekonomska Istra?ivanja》、《Telecommunications Policy》、《Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics》等国际SSCI/SCI期刊发表多篇论文。目前担任国际期刊《Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics》、《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》、《Financial Innovation》等期刊的匿名审稿人。
我院李伟平助理教授与中国科学技术大学黄加顺副研究员,剑桥大学郭力嘉博士,牛津大学Jim H. Hall教授合作的论文《Information and communications technology infrastructure and firm growth: An empirical study of China's cities》,已被国际SSCI Q2期刊《Telecommunications Policy》接受。我院李伟平助理教授为通讯作者。
Despite the importance of information and communications technology (ICT), previous studies of the business value of information technology have yielded mixed results. This study provides new empirical evidence that demonstrates the impact of cities’ ICT on firm performance. A series of panel datasets are assembled to measure the improvement of city’s ICT infrastructure and the change of firm performance during the years 2001-2016 in China. The findings demonstrate that city’s ICTs positively promoted firm performance, including financial profitability, marketing performance and innovation performance. Instrumental variables are employed to verify the positive impact of city’s ICTs infrastructure on firm profitability. Taking advantage of an exogenous variation of telecommunications upgrade as a natural experiment, this study uses the difference-in-difference approach to establish causality between cities’ ICT infrastructure and firm profitability. Mechanisms are explored, which shows that better labour quality, lower costs and higher transparency are the three possible channels through which ICTs influence firm profitability.