学术预告 | 国家金融学论坛第22期暨国金学术研讨会第209期

发布人:学院管理人员 发布日期:2022-07-01


报告题目:Local Labor Market and the Cross Section of Stock Returns本地劳动力市场与横截面股票收益率预测

时 ?间:2022年6月29日(周三,10:00-12:00)

地 ?点:腾讯会议(会议号:820 956 838)




Local labor market pooling is a crucial benefit in economics of agglomeration (Marshall, 1890). To capture the pooling function, we employ segment information and occupation statistics to capture average pairwise labor force similarities for each focal firm. We find that firms in thicker local labor markets are underpriced and display significantly positive stock returns afterwards. The return predictability of local labor market measure is concentrated in non-mega cap firms; high-tech firms; younger firms; and firms with more high-skilled labor, less routine tasks, and lower labor intensity. Our results are robust to a battery of control variables and alternative measure specifications.




乔政,西安交通大学管理学院会计与财务系教授,博士生导师。毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学并获得金融学博士。研究领域主要为机构投资者、公司金融、资产定价,并致力于探究金融学术研究在现实资本市场中的实际应用。在国内外知名期刊如Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis、Journal of Banking and Finance、Financial Management、Journal of Accounting and Public Policy、Journal of Futures Market、《中国工业经济》等发表多篇论文。主持与参与多项国家级与省部级研究课题,并曾多次获校级和院级教学技能比赛一等奖。
