国金学术|我院张弛助理教授撰写的学术论文被2022 FMA Annual Meeting(国际金融管理协会年会)接收

发布人:学院管理人员 发布日期:2022-10-26

2022 国际金融管理协会年会于2022年10月19日至22日在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大举行,我院张弛助理教授以第一作者身份撰写的学术论文 “How Pandemics Affect International Investment: Evidence from M&As during SARS-CoV-1 in China”被该会议接收,合作者为美国北卡州立大学Ivan Kandilov教授以及Mark Walker教授。



国际金融管理协会(Financial Management Association,简称FMA)是一个以金融学为中心的非赢利的国际性学术组织,旨在为金融专业的学生、教师和从业人员提供一个交流互动的学术平台,以追踪最新的金融问题、最前沿的金融理论和最贴近市场的金融信息,推动金融学在金融界和商业界的不断发展。在美国,FMA与AFA(美国金融学协会)一同代表金融协会中的最高水平。



We evaluate the impact of the 2003 SARS-CoV-1 epidemic on inbound cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in China. Using transaction level data on cross-border M&A from 2002 to 2004, we show that Chinese provinces that experienced high level of SARS-CoV-1 infection rates, also suffered a significant decline in cross-border M&A activity, both in terms of the number of transactions and the overall dollar volume. The negative impact is entirely driven by decline in deals for non-state-owned targets. The large, negative effect on the number of deals was short-lived but lost deals were not recouped. The large negative impact on the overall dollar volume lingered longer after the epidemic. The negative impacts were larger and longer lasting for provinces whose neighbors were not affected much by SARS CoV-1, suggesting that the presence of good substitutes exacerbated the negative effects of the epidemic.




张弛,麻豆导航助理教授,中山大学“百人计划”引进人才,公司金融方向硕士生导师。主要研究方向为公司金融,以第一作者的身份在《Journal of Corporate Finance》等SSCI检索杂志以及多本CSSCI检索杂志发表论文多篇,曾参与香港SPPR项目“粤港澳大湾区背景下香港绿色金融中心建设的制度分析与政策设计”以及主持香港科技大学(广州)博士后课题“绿色金融政策对大湾区基础设施建设与绿色公司发展的影响”。