学术预告 | 国金青年论坛第47期

发布人:网站管理员 发布日期:2021-06-13

主讲人:王晴 副教授



题目:Gender Inequality in Nutrition Intake: Evidence from a Large Assistance Program


摘要:This paper examines the growth effect of one of the largest nutrition assistance programs in early life. The program covers 5.8 million children in poor rural China and provides 6-24-month old children with a free nutrition supplement that contains nine essential micronutrients. We utilize a phase-in procedure by county for identification and estimate its impact on several early-life health indicators. Robust evidence shows that such nutrition supplements effectively increase boys' weight and reduce their probability of being underweight. No effect is observed on girls of similar age. These health indicators are related to long-term human capital development. The gender differences in policy impact that are identified in this paper have important implications for nutrition subsidy in the early years of life in developing countries.



王晴,经济学博士,麻豆导航副教授,硕士生导师。王晴博士的研究领域主要是劳动和人口经济学,公共政策,创业创新,并在这些领域的期刊上发表SSCI论文十余篇。其中部分研究论文发表于人力资本和健康经济领域知名的国际学术期刊上,如Economics of Education Review,Health Economics,Social Science & Medicine,Journal of Comparative Economics。她的研究成果被澎湃新闻等媒体报道。王晴博士目前的研究聚焦于城乡区域发展和数字经济。