学术预告 | 麻豆导航学术系列(第159期)
报告人:张岚 副教授
题? 目:Targeted Advertising with Asymmetric Consumer Loyalty(具有不对称消费者忠诚度的定向广告)
时? 间:2020年12月15日
????????? 周二,10:30-12:00
地? 点:海琴6号楼A426会议室
主持人: 卢远瞩教授
This paper explores the strategic tradeoff between advertising and pricing when firms have asymmetric loyal market segments and also can compete for shoppers who purchase at the lowest advertised price. Two advertising structures consistent with real world settings are considered. In the first setting firms are limited to advertising campaigns that reach a chosen proportion of the entire market and present all consumers with a uniform price. The analysis is then extended to allow firms to target ads to specific market segments, both with and without the ability to price discriminate. Our model nests other well-known models as special cases and provides novel results. We find that targeted advertising may or may not increase social welfare, while it increases consumer surplus only if the cost of advertising is sufficiently high. In addition, it is possible the firm with the larger loyal segment earns lower profits under targeted rather than uniform advertising. Notwithstanding this, in an extension we show firms have incentive to invest ex-ante in targeting technology, even when they lack the ability to price discriminate. (本文探讨了当公司具有不对称的忠诚细分市场并且可以竞争以最低广告价格购买的购物者时广告与定价之间的战略权衡。考虑了两种与现实世界设置一致的广告结构。首先,公司仅限于达到整个市场选定比例并为所有消费者提供统一价格的广告活动。然后,将分析扩展到允许公司将广告定位到特定的细分市场,无论是否具有价格歧视的能力。我们的模型将其他知名模型作为特殊案例进行嵌套,并提供了新颖的结果。我们发现,定向广告可能会或可能不会增加社会福利,而只有在广告成本足够高的情况下,它才会增加消费者剩余。此外,忠诚度较高的公司可能会根据有针对性的广告而不是统一的广告获得较低的利润。尽管如此,在扩展中,我们显示了即使缺乏价格歧视能力的公司也有动机在事前投资于目标技术。)
张岚,北京师范大学(珠海)人文和社会科学高等研究院副教授, 美国印第安纳大学凯利商学院商业经济学博士。南开大学经济学学士,浙江大学,香港科技大学经济学硕士。研究领域包括产业经济学、实验经济学和应用经济学。论文发表在《Games and Economic Behavior》、《International Journal of Game Theory》、《Journal of Law, Economics & Organization》、《Journal of Industrial Economics》、《International Journal of Industrial Organization》、 《Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization》、《Economic Letters》、《经济学(季刊)》等杂志上。