姓名:谢建辉??? ?
职称:?? 副教授
主要研究方向:生产力与效率分析、银行效率分析、变量选择。????????????? ?
Email:xiejh23@mail.sysu.edu.cn????????????????????? ?
2010.9-2016.7? 中国科学技术大学? 管理学博士
2014.9-2015.7?? 德州农工大学?? 联合培养
2016.7-2019.7? 中山大学岭南学院学院专职科研
2019.7-至今????? 麻豆导航学院副教授
l1-penalized pairwise difference estimation for a high-dimensional censored regression model.
Detecting linearity in nonparametric convex regression via group LASSO.
1 Jianhui Xie, Qiwei Xie, Yongjun Li*, Liang Liang. Solving Data Envelopment Analysis Models with Sum-of-fractional Objectives: A Global Optimal Approach Based on the Multiparametric Disaggregation Technique [J], Annals of Operations Research. 2021. Forthcoming.
2 Shiling Song, Pingxiang Yu, Feng Yang, Jianhui Xie*, Stochastic Multi-attribute Acceptability Analysis with Numerous Alternatives[J]. European Journal of Operational Research. 2021. Forthcoming.
3 Agnieszka Stefaniec, Keyvan Hosseini, Jianhui Xie, Yongjun Li. Sustainability assessment of inland transportation in China: A triple bottom line-based network DEA approach[J], Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 2020, 80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2020.102258
4 Jianhui Xie, Xiaoxuan Zhu*, Liang Liang, A multiplicative method for estimating the potential gains from two-stage production system mergers [J], Annals of Operations Research, 2020, (288): 475-493.
5 Jianhui Xie, Shengchao Zhou*, Ya Chen. Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis Methods for Measuring Technical, Environmental, and Eco-efficiencies[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019. 238.? https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117939
6 谢建辉,李勇军,梁樑,吴记*,随机环境下的多投入多产出生产前沿面估计[J],管理科学学报,2018,第 21 卷,第 11 期:50-60
7 Ji Wu, Kang Xie, Jinghua Xiao, Jianhui Xie*, Effects of Customer Heterogeneity on Participation Performance in Virtual Brand Community: A Two-stage Semi-parametric Approach [J], International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2018, 22(2): 289-321.
8 Shengchao Zhou, Jianhui Xie*, Ni Du, Yan Pang. A random-keys genetic algorithm for scheduling unrelated parallel batch processing machines with different capacities and arbitrary job sizes[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, 334: 254-268.
9 Yongjun Li, Yao Chen, Liang Liang, Jianhui Xie *. DEA models for extended two-stage network structures [J]. Omega, 2012, 40: 611-618.
10 Yongjun Li*, Jianhui Xie, Meiqiang Wang, Liang Liang. Super efficiency Evaluation using a Common Platform based on a Cooperative game [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, 255(3): 884-892.
11 石晓,谢建辉,李勇军*,梁樑,谢启伟, 非合作博弈两阶段生产系统DEA并购效率评价[J]. 中国管理科学, 2015, 第 23 卷,第 7 期: 60-67
12 Xiao Shi, Yongjun Li*, Ali Emrouznejad*, Jianhui Xie, Liang Liang, Estimation of potential gains from bank mergers: A novel two-stage cost efficiency DEA model[J]. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2017, 68(9): 1045-1055.
1. Yongjun Li, Yao Chen, Liang Liang, Jianhui Xie. 2014 DEA models for extended two-stage network structures [M]. In: Cook WD, Zhu J (eds) Data Envelopment Analysis A Handbook on the Modeling of Internal Structures and Networks, Springer.
1 国家自然科学基金青年项目:随机多投入多产出前沿面的非参数估计方法与应用研究(71701220), 17万元, 2018.1~2020.12,项目主持人
2 高校基本科研业务费中山大学青年教师培育项目, 7.5万元, 2017.1~2019.12,项目主持人
1 国家自然科学基金面上项目:不确定预期和家庭资产配置的联动性:影响机制与联立Tobit研究(71773146),47万元,2018.01-2021.12,第二参与人
European Journal of Operational Research
International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Journal of the Operational Research Society