

主要研究方向:环境与劳动经济学 ? ? ? ? ? ??

Email:liteng27@mail.sysu.edu.cn; ltsysu1990@gmail.com
Web: www.teng-li.com ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


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个人介绍:李腾,麻豆导航教授,中山大学高级金融研究院研究员,中山大学“百人计划”引进人才。主要的研究方向是环境与劳动经济学。研究发表于Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,Regional Science and Urban Economics,《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》和《世界经济》等国内外顶级经济金融学期刊,主持国家自然科学基金项目。

2022.8至今?? ??? ??? ?逸仙学者,中山大学
2022.6至今?? ??? ??? ?学术部主任,麻豆导航
2021.6-2022.5?? ??? ?研究生部主任,麻豆导航
2019.12至今?? ??? ?副教授 (“百人计划”),麻豆导航
2019.12至今?? ??? ?研究员, 中山大学高级金融研究院
2017.7-2019.12?? ??? ?研究员, 新加坡国立大学房地产研究院

2013-2017?? ??? ??? ?经济学博士,新加坡国立大学
2009-2013?? ??? ??? ?经济学学士, 中山大学

2018?? ??? ??? ??? ?邹至庄最佳论文奖,中国留美经济学年会
2016?? ??? ??? ??? ?Musim Mas 最佳毕业论文奖,新加坡国立大学商学院
2013-2017?? ??? ??? ?研究型奖学金,新加坡国立大学


1. Social Undermining as a Dark Side of Symbolic Awards: Evidence from a RD Design (with Runjing Lu, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Accepted)
2. Employee Output Response to Stock Market Wealth Shocks (with Wenlan Qian, Xiong A. Wei, and Xin Zou, Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming)
3. Too Hot to Handle: The Effects of High Temperatures during Pregnancy on Adult Welfare Outcomes (with Zihan Hu, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019(94), 236-253).
4. Environmental Regulation as a Double-edged Sword for Housing Markets: Evidence from the NOx Budget Trading Program (with Sumit Agarwal and Yongheng Deng, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019(96), 286-309).
5. The Effect of Air Pollution on Criminal Activities: Evidence from the NOx Budget Trading Program. (with Siyu Chen, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2020(83), 103528.)
6. Evaluating the effectiveness of labor protection policy on occupational injuries caused by extreme heat in a large subtropical city of China. (with Su, Y., Cheng, L., Cai, W., Lee, J. K. W., Zhong, S., Chen, S., Huang, X. & Huang, C., Environmental research, 186, 109532.)
6. 黄新飞、李腾、康杉.“城市规模与商品价格的关系—来自条形码商品的微观价格数据的论证”.《世界经济》,2021年第2期.
7. 黄新飞、关楠、李腾.“空气质量与医疗费用支出:基于中国中老年人的微观证据”.《经济学(季刊)》,已录用,2021年第3期.
8. 黄新飞、陈珊珊、李腾.“价格差异、市场分割与边界效应—基于长三角15个城市的实证研究”.《经济研究》,2014年第12期.
9. 黄新飞、李腾、陈思宇.“中国城市边界效应的“一价定律悖论”:来自长三角的经验证据”.《世界经济》, 2014年第11期.
10. 黄新飞、陈思宇、李腾.“我国零售商品价格行为研究—来自长三角十五个市超市的微观证据”.《管理世界》,2014年第1期.

1. COVID-19 Pandemic and Unemployment: Evidence from Mobile Phone Data in China (with Panle Barwick Jia, Yongheng Deng, Xinfei Huang, and Shanjun Li, Revised and Resubmitted to Journal of Urban Economics).
2. Non-linear Incentives and Worker Productivity: Evidence from a Quasi-experiment (with Richard Freeman and Huang Wei).
3. Teacher Characteristics and Student Performance: Evidence from Random Teacher-Student Assignments in China (with Wei Huang, Yinghao Pan, and Jinyang Ren)
4. High Temperature, Climate Change and Mortgage Default (with Yongheng Deng, Congyan Han, and Tim Riddiough).
5. Stock Market Fluctuations and Health: Causal Evidence from China (with Sumit Agarwal, Siyu Chen, Haonan He, and Xinfei Huang)

2021-2023?? ??? ?国家自然科学基金青年项目
2020-2022 ?? ??? ?中山大学百人计划项目


Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Journal of Political Economy
Journal of Population Economics
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
Real Estate Economics
Regional Science and Urban Economics
The China Economic Review