2008.08-2014.05 美国伊利诺伊大学 经济学博士
2005.09-2007.07 中国人民大学 经济学硕士
2001.09-2005.07 中国人民大学 经济学学士
2020.10-至今??? 麻豆导航 副教授
2014.08-2020.09 北京大学汇丰商学院 助理教授
- The Effect of Fast Internet on Employment: Evidence from a Large Broadband Expansion Program in China (First author). 2022. China & World Economy, forthcoming. (SSCI)
- Digital Literacy and Finance Market Participation of Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults in China (First author). 2022. Economic and Political Studies, forthcoming.
- Gender Inequality and Nutrition Intake: Evidence from a Large Assistance Program (First author). 2022. Economics and Human Biology, 45: 101111. (SSCI)
- Money Funds Manage Earnings. 2022. Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 71: 101682. (SSCI)
- Maternal Education and the Development of Chinese Adolescents (First author). 2021. Education Economics, 29(1): 17-31.
- Center-Based Childcare Expansion and Grandparents' Employment and Well-Being (Corresponding author). 2019. Social Science & Medicine, 240: 112547. (SSCI)
- Repayment Burdens of Mortgage-Style Student Loans in China and Steps toward Income Contingent Loans (Corresponding author). 2019. Economics of Education Review, 71: 95-108. (SSCI)
- Work-Family Policy and Female Entrepreneurship: Evidence from China's Subsidized Child care Program (First author). 2019. China Economic Review, 54 (April): 256-270. (SSCI)
- Training, Skill-Upgrading and Settlement Intention of Migrants: Evidence from China (First author). 2019. Urban Studies, 56(13): 2779-2801. (SSCI)
- Public Policy Environment and New Venture Creation: Evidence from China (Corresponding author). 2018. China & World Economy, 26(3): 88-108. (SSCI)
- Male Migration and Female Labor Market Attachment: New Evidence from the Mexican Family Life Survey (First author). 2018. International Migration Review, 52(1): 66-89. (SSCI)
- The Impact of Maternal Employment on Children's Adiposity: Evidence from the China's Labor Policy Reform (Corresponding author). 2017. Health Economics, 26(12): e236-e255. (SSCI)
- Family Linkages, Social Interactions, and Investment in Human Capital: A Theoretical Analysis (First author). 2017. Journal of Comparative Economics, 45(2): 271-286. (SSCI)
- Child Gender, Intergenerational Kinship, and Parental Labor Market Outcomes (First author). 2015. Review of Development Economics, 19(4): 892-907. (SSCI)
- 课外辅导与学生成绩—基于CEPS的研究 (通讯作者). 2018.《教育经济评论》,第3卷第5期.
Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Population Economics, Social Science and Medicine, International Migration Review, China Economic Review, International Migration, Social Science Research, Economic Modelling, Economic and Labour Relations Review, International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference (ad hoc reviewer), Asia Academy of Management Conference (ad hoc reviewer)